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Exterior of John Lewis Social Justice Academy at Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Ordinary people doing extraordinary things

Tiger Pride

We offer a rigorous curriculum, collaborative climate and engaged staff that grows students into productive citizens.

Our Vision, Mission, and Motto

Vision: Inspiring hope through educational excellence

Mission: The O.W. Holmes Family ensures it's children are productive citizens by providing rigorous curriculum and collaborative climate; in a safe and secure learning environment

Motto: "Nothing Less Than Our Best!"

The Legendary ODUB Cheer Squad

Check out our Instagram! The 2024-25 ODUB Cheer Squad

Upcoming events

On the Horizon

recent highlights

news from our community

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Parent Conference

John Lewis Social Justice Academy at O.W. Holmes is sharing this information about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of its obligations under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). Federal Report Cards for the state, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s website at this link: or are also available on the Texas Education Agency’s website at:

eager to learn and driven to excel
